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Breaking Down the Gates: A CMO's Story - September Jam Session

In this insightful Demand Gen Jam Session, Paul Slack and Ryan Miller, along with special guest Chuck Moxley, CMO of Blue Triangle and author of "An Audience of One," dive deep into the controversial topic of gated vs. ungated content in B2B marketing.

Chuck shares his company's journey from traditional gated content to an ungated approach, providing a data-driven case study that challenges conventional wisdom about lead generation and content marketing.

The session explores how B2B buying behaviors have evolved, why traditional gating methods may be hindering rather than helping marketing efforts, and how to transition to a more buyer-friendly, ungated content strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ungating content can significantly increase engagement and lead to more demo requests and pipeline growth.
  • The importance of rethinking the traditional marketing funnel and adopting a non-linear approach to buyer journeys.
  • How to measure success and report on marketing efforts in an ungated content model.
  • Strategies for still capturing leads even with ungated content.
  • The need for patience and faith when transitioning to an ungated approach, as results may take time to materialize.
  • Insights on the number of touchpoints required before a prospect becomes an MQL or closes a deal in B2B SaaS.
  • How to reset internal expectations and change reporting metrics when moving away from traditional lead generation models.
  • The value of focusing on generating and capturing demand rather than just leads.

Chuck's presentation provides concrete data showing how ungating content led to a 265% increase in demo requests, a 242% growth in pipeline, and a 41x increase in marketing-sourced revenue for Blue Triangle.

This Jam Session offers valuable insights for B2B marketers looking to adapt their content strategies to modern buyer preferences and behaviors. It challenges traditional notions of lead generation and provides a roadmap for those considering a shift to ungated content.

Whether you're a CMO, demand generation specialist, or content marketer, this session provides actionable strategies for improving engagement, pipeline, and revenue through a more open approach to content distribution.

Catch the next Jam Session live by registering here.